Top vrings
Rank | Username | vring | ¡nfluence |
1 | RDOlivaw | Applause | 3 |
2 | RDOlivaw | puurrrrr | 3 |
3 | MockingJen | BUSSIN | 3 |
4 | ImBatman | Waiting… | 3 |
5 | RDOlivaw | LETS GO | 2 |
6 | DrDev | Got Your Back | 2 |
7 | ImBatman | Ready! | 2 |
8 | RDOlivaw | It Capn' | 2 |
9 | alex | Call Me | 2 |
10 | Vision | O.M.G. | 2 |
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How do you use vring?
Right now I'm using vring to send gratitude to family who live far away... A nice thinking@you every once in a while...
Every time my phone dings and I pull it out only to see that someone 'liked' a previous text of mine, I think, "Why don't they get vring?" Seriously, you made me unlock and open my phone for that?!? Almost as bad as seeing 'k' as a txt msg. Ahhhh!
It's seriously ******* quiet in here.
when r you gonna be able to send outgoing while asleep?
also what about applewatch?
Hi JungleKing!
We're about to roll out a revision that lets you send vrings by using the volume button (alone!) in about a month. We're calling the new feature ¡motifs, and they fulfill the promise of screen-less messaging. Regarding wearables like the AppleWatch, you'll have to wait for our major release later this year. Thanks for being a part of the HoT!
-Mark and Steve
Founders at vring
...and apparently it censors bad words. ****. ****. ***. ****. Lol!
I don't understand for the life of me on how to use this app? What's it's purpose? I don't remember installing this app but I'm just trying to figure this out!!!!
Or at least give me an example of how to use this or an dramatization or something so I can better understand how to use this.... Thank you
It's a messaging app, so, you'll first need someone else who's using it. Then vrings can replace those stupid one-character texts
But elephant in the room: you don't remember installing it???!?! What??
Hi Goyo84,
You can find some examples of use on our website, distalreality.com. Please send a message to support@distalreality.com and share how the app was installed on your mobile device without your knowledge or consent? That alarms us!
-Mark and Steve
Wow there's life on this website!! Woohoo! Hey Goyo84, my wife and I use this app when we're entertaining - I can send her a "save me" and she then rescues me from talking to her sister. (JK trying to be funny).
So maybe it's not obvious - but with the free version, you can send and receive rudiments. Those are like the simplest things you can send. If you and someone else agree on what they mean (like 'yes' or 'okay') then you're off and running.
If you subscribe, you can create much richer vring messages like "take next rest stop" or "zip it!" that can be delivered, and most importantly received without looking at your phone.
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